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 Fujitsu Delivers LifeBook P7120 Notebook
SUNNYVALE, Calif., November 8, 2005—Fujitsu Computer Systems today announced the sleek and light ultra-portable LifeBook P7120 notebook designed for professionals on the go. With a cool black exterior, slimmer silhouette and a 10.6-inch LED lit widescreen display, the successor to the LifeBook P7010 notebook merges a lightweight form factor with...

 Mini with maximum style: the new LIFEBOOK P7120 by Fujitsu Siemens
Munich Oct 28, 2005 - Fujitsu Siemens Computers, the leading European IT provider, has responded to the executive’s growing demand for small, lightweight notebooks with an addition to its successful ultra-portable LIFEBOOK P Series. The new LIFEBOOK P7120 sports many features that make it a must-have item for mobile executives: from a striking...

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