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Sei in: Home  News  Microsoft: il fatturato cresce del 27% grazie ad Halo e Vista
Microsoft: il fatturato cresce del 27% grazie ad Halo e Vista
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 26 ottobre 2007
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Con il comunicato stampa allegato di seguito, Microsoft ha annunciato di aver realizzato un fatturato pari a 13.76 miliardi di dollari nel trimestre terminato lo scorso 30 Settembre: se confrontato con quello dello stesso periodo ma relativo allo scorso anno, è possibile monitorare una crescita delle revenue pari a circa il 27%.

"L'incremento percentuale del fatturato registrato in questo anno fiscale non ha precedenti." - afferma Chris Liddell, che in MS è responsabile della gestione finanziaria - "Tale risultato è figlio della prerogativa di Microsoft volta a convertire il fatturato in profitti mediante una attenta politica di investimenti a medio e lungo termine."

A pesare, e non poco, sulla crescita delle revenue figurano inoltre "la considerevole domanda degli utenti rivolta a Windows Vista" e il game "Halo 3", oggetto del più imponente "lancio mediatico nella storia del prodotti per l'entertainment."

REDMOND, Wash. - October 25, 2007 - Microsoft Corp. today announced revenue of $13.76 billion for the quarter ended September 30, 2007, a 27% increase over the same period of the prior year. Operating income, net income and diluted earnings per share for the quarter were $5.92 billion, $4.29 billion and $0.45, respectively.

- This fiscal year is off to an outstanding start with the fastest revenue growth of any first quarter since 1999,” said Chris Liddell, chief financial officer at Microsoft.  - Operating income growth of over 30% also reflects our ability to translate revenue into profits while making strategic investments for the future.”

Microsoft’s businesses of Client, Microsoft Business Division, and Server and Tools grew combined revenue in excess of 20%, and experienced robust demand for Windows Vista, the 2007 Microsoft Office system, Windows Server, and SQL Server.

- Customer demand for Windows Vista this quarter continued to build with double-digit growth in multi-year agreements by businesses and with the vast majority of consumers purchasing premium editions,” said Kevin Johnson, president of the Platform and Services Division at Microsoft.

During the quarter, Microsoft’s two consumer focused divisions passed milestones with the successful close of the company’s largest ever acquisition, aQuantive, and Halo 3 achieving the biggest entertainment launch day in history.

- Backed by an amazing product line-up, our sales force, marketing teams, and partners delivered another excellent quarter,” said Kevin Turner, chief operating officer at Microsoft. 

Source: Microsoft Press Release
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