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Informazioni e Release Notes del file CudaText
Data di pubblicazione: 20 agosto 2018
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+ add: detection of UTF16 LE/BE without BOM
+ add: grouping modes "6 vert" and "6 horz"
+ add: Code Tree filter: each tab has its own filter text (initially empty)
+ add: Code Tree filter: input is combobox now; use Enter to add current text to dropdown
+ add: tab context menu items: "Copy filename only", "Copy filepath only", "Copy full filepath"
+ add: Project Manager option "Open files by double-click"
+ add: improved lexer HTML: highlight content with CSS lexer
+ add: improved lexer Markdown: highlight {++add++}, {--del--}, {~~edit~~}
+ add: command "code tree: clear filter"
+ add: command "code tree: focus filter"
+ add: command "code tree: focus treeview"
+ add: command "ui: hide bottom panel"
+ add: on folding a range, caret(s) pos is corrected if it was inside that range
- fix: lexer Python: wrong highlighted strings like r'\'
- fix: CSS autocompletion inside didn't work with multiline string

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