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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file DVD ReBuilder 0.79 beta
Informazioni e Release Notes del file DVD ReBuilder 0.79 beta
Data di pubblicazione: Non disponibile
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  • Corrected the SRI table computation algorithm to make FF/RWD offsets more closely compliant with the DVD standards
  • Fixed an error that could cause the V_F/BWD_Exist2 flag of the SRI tables to be sometime set/reset incorrectly
  • Corrected the QLB matrix switch so it works again with the QuEnc encoder
  • Addedthe "Create New Folder" option to the "Browse for Folder" dialog when browsing for WORKING or OUTPUT folders so people won't have to go in and out of the program when they need to create a new one
  • Corrected ConvertToYV12() statement in AVS files so it is sensitive to interlaced sources
  • Added code to prevent "impossible" Q values (as a result of extreme compression -- e.g. in Half/Half encoding where 50% reduction is also applied)

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