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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Fraps 2.5.3
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Fraps 2.5.3
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  • Fixed crash under Japanese Windows, SW: Galaxies, and other games.
  • Fixed alpha blending of mouse cursors under OpenGL.
  • Fixed green frame at start of split AVI`s.
  • Fixed sound detection of Intel HD Audio (Realtek HD).
  • Fixed compatibility with current nProtect games (Gunbound).
  • Fixed crash when running multiple game clients simultaneously.
  • Fixed crash with Windows Movie Maker.
  • Additional optimizations for better video playback on low-end systems.
  • Added 40 fps, 50 fps, and 60 fps video capture options.
  • Added HDTV 1280x720 widescreen resolution support.
  • Additional lossless compression generates smaller video files.
  • Improved capture performance on native PCI-Express systems.
  • Improved load balancing on Hyperthreading and dual core CPUs.
  • Increased maximum full size video capture resolution to 1152x864.
  • Added white overlay flash when screen capture performed.
  • Added option to automatically repeat screen capture every x seconds.
  • Added View Benchmarks, View Movies, and View Screenshots options to systray.
  • Detailed benchmark statistics can now be individually selected.
  • Fixed memory leak in video codec (video editors could crash after time).
  • Fixed crash while changing resolutions in some DX9 games.
  • Aligned data in detailed benchmark CSV files.

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