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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file UltimateZip 3.0
Informazioni e Release Notes del file UltimateZip 3.0
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Change Log:

  • Integrated AES encryption support for ZIP archive format (WinZip(R) compatible)
  • support for large ZIP Files (files bigger than 4 GB, more than 65535 files)
  • Deflate 64 extract support (ZIP format)
  • Support for WAR format added
  • Support for Unix created multi-header compressed GZIP archives
  • Ascii Translation for GZIP archives added
  • Foldertree + file browser added (Explorer view)
  • Upadte feature for modified files added
  • Better RAR support (unicoded filenames, files bigger than 4 GB)
  • Speed improvements (much faster loading, adding and extracting)
  • New SFX Creator for ZIP files
  • Zip SFX stub improved (Create SFX files in english, german and frensh language)
  • Startup folder feature added
  • Full customizeable Toolbar
  • Info dialogs improved
  • Full support for Zip Splitted files (files must not be merged to extract)
  • LHA SFX stub now supports Frozen 7
  • Signature feature added (ZIP Format)
  • New DLL for UnRAR
  • New DLL for UnACE
  • Icons for every archive type added
  • 'Zip and Mail Extra' feature added
  • Shell Extension improved
  • Find files in archive feature added
  • New Skins added
  • Better look under Win XP
  • New HTML Help file
  • Installation updated, smaller file size
  • Check Update and Download feature added
  • Select Viewer dialog improved
  • Drag&Drop support for Backup Wizard, Batch Extractor and Batch Compressor
  • Support for 24x24 Toolbar images added (16x16, 24x24,32x32 and 48x48 allowed now)
  • many small improvements
  • many bug fixes

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