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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file KeePass Password Safe 0.98b
Informazioni e Release Notes del file KeePass Password Safe 0.98b
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Di seguito sono consultabili le note di rilascio - in gergo "release notes" - relative al file KeePass Password Safe 0.98b, nel caso in cui gli sviluppatori abbiano reso disponibile tale documentazione in occasione della pubblicazione del software. Tuttavia, se hai bisogno di maggiori informazioni su KeePass Password Safe 0.98b, o se le note di rilascio non sono (ancora) disponibili, è comunque possibile procedere con la lettura della descrizione del file.

Change Log:

Implemented plugin architecture
Added global auto-type hot key (just press some hot key combination to make KeePass enter the login information, you can set the key combination in 'Edit - Options - Setup', the default hot key is Ctrl-Alt-A; see manual for more info)
Added option to lock a database using a password _and_ a key-disk together, i.e. you need both to unlock your database
Added full XP theme compatibility
Updated CHM documentation and the KeePass homepage
The column sizes and splitter positions are now remembered when KeePass is in maximized mode
Toolbar and statusbar are now updated after a quickfind
User cannot add a search-results group himself any more
Fixed a problem in the auto-type feature when typing long strings
Improved error messages for opening and saving files (not just telling that something failed, but why it failed)
Fixed some window bugs, which could occur after using the auto-type feature (small window and always-on-top failure)
Improved UTF-8 support for all import formats
KeePass now releases the Ctrl key for you before auto-typing
Entry preview window is cleared after a find or quickfind
When a restart is needed (for example after changing the 'disable security-critical commands' option), KeePass first asks the user to save all data before restarting (avoiding a hidden KeePass window in the background)
KeePass uses the users directory to store the INI file, if there is no INI file in the application directory and the application directory is write-protected
Improved CSV export (escapes special characters now)
The delete-entry toolbar button works again
Improved, more secure copy-to-clipboard functions (blocking clipboard monitors and paste-once-only functionality)
It's possible now to disable the expiration time of an entry
The entry-moving routines should now be a bit faster
New help hyperlinks in the add-entry dialog about URLs and the auto-type feature
Bugfix: the date field in the add-entry dialog didn't allow days greater than 28
Improved tab orders in some dialogs
The auto-type sequence and auto-type window definition lines are now removed before copying the contents of the notes field to the clipboard
The clipboard is now cleared when the database is closed or the workspace is locked
All dialogs are now positioned relatively to their parent instead of being centered in the full screen area
Improved the TAN wizard (you can assign consecutive numbers to the TANs now, if you wish) and fixed some bugs in it
More clear "save before close/lock" message box title
KeePass now first tests if the configuration file (.ini) is accessible before trying to write to it

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