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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Radeon BIOS Editor (RBE) 1.20
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Radeon BIOS Editor (RBE) 1.20
Data di pubblicazione: 19 marzo 2009
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  • Can display and change a lot of information strings inside the BIOS file, including Device ID and vendor ID.
  • Accesses every PowerPlay state and can change GPU clocks, RAM clocks and voltage for each of them seperately.
  • Displays the PowerPlay structure of the BIOS.
  • Also displays the voltages the card can make use of.
  • Can graphically display and modify four different fan controllers in a very comfortable way and automatically figures out which controller is used for a particular BIOS.
  • RBE modifies the Overdrive signature of a BIOS to enable a higher overclocking limit. Signatures can also be extracted and saved to a file.
  • Will make the annoying spin up bug some cards have vanish.
  • Enables superior PowerPlay.
  • Contains a profile editor for accessing hidden CCC panel features.
  • Acquires and flashes BIOSes all from within RBE using the built-in WinFlash interface.

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