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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file FreeUndelete 2.0 Final
Informazioni e Release Notes del file FreeUndelete 2.0 Final
Data di pubblicazione: 7 maggio 2008
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FreeUndelete is data recovery program for deleted files.

In case of accidental deletion of files on a NTFS (used by default in Windows XP, 2000 and NT), FAT32 or FAT16 file systems FreeUndelete is the utility to help.

It is our pleasure to emphasize that FreeUndelete is free for personal use. There is no charge, direct or hidden, to download and use a fully functional copy of the program. The program does not install any spyware or adware along with it. It does not populate user's desktop with pop-up ads or forcefully subscribe user to mailing lists.

Please note that for use in business environment a $69.00 Business License purchase is mandatory. Registered business users get guaranteed customer support service. For private users customer support is not guaranteed and depends on support staff workload.

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