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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Dead Pixel Tester 2.21
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Dead Pixel Tester 2.21
Data di pubblicazione: 6 settembre 2007
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TFT screens have thousands of pixels, on a 1024x768 monitor, there are three cells for each pixel - one each for red, green, and blue - which amounts to nearly 2.4 million cells (1024x768x 3 = 2,359,296). There's only a slim chance that all of these will be perfect; more likely, some will be stuck on (creating a "bright" defect) or dead (resulting in a "dark" defect). DPT was written to help me check my own screens (Couldn't find one that worked across multiple desktops so had to write my own!) by cycling through the three primary colours used (red,green,blue) and all on (white) and all off (black). Simply select a colour then closely inspect your monitor in each of the primary colours checking for pixels that are not operating as expected. Stuck pixels (always on) are easier to notice than pixels that are not on due to their size (normally under .5mm). This application is freely distributable for non commercial gain, for any other usage please contact us.

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