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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file KeePass Password Safe 2.56 [Portable]
Informazioni e Release Notes del file KeePass Password Safe 2.56 [Portable]
Data di pubblicazione: 7 febbraio 2024
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Changes from 2.55 to 2.56:

New Features

  • Added search box in the options dialog (keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F).
  • When pressing the Enter key in the group tree of the main window, the entries of the group are displayed now (this can be useful for instance when the entry list is displaying search results).
  • Added 'More' button on the 'History' tab page of the entry dialog, which shows a menu that provides the following two new commands: 'Select All Historic Entries' and 'Delete All Historic Entries'; the menu is also shown as context menu of the history entries list.
  • Added Ctrl+A keyboard shortcut for the 'Select All Historic Entries' command in the entry dialog (the history entries list must have the input focus).
  • Added workaround for Mono window size bug.
  • Added accessibility help page.


  • In the main window, the entry list is now updated when right-clicking onto a group in the group tree.
  • Expanding/collapsing a group in the group tree of the main window does not select it anymore.
  • The option 'Remember password hiding setting in the main window' is now turned off by default.
  • In the auto-type entry selection dialog, comments ({C:...} placeholders) are now removed from the values in the 'Sequence' column if the 'Sequence - Comments' column is displayed.
  • The view is now restored after syntax highlighting in the sequence box of the auto-type association dialog.
  • Reduced flickering in the sequence box of the auto-type association dialog.
  • Improved performance of Spr compilations of certain texts.
  • Minor process memory protection improvement for the password generator.
  • Minor process memory protection improvements for some report dialogs.
  • Improved thread safety of message box management.
  • Improved UUID object implementation.
  • Collection equality testing improvements (for plugins).
  • Various code optimizations.
  • Minor other improvements.


  • In the main window, the entry list is now updated correctly when performing overlapping keypresses into the group tree.
  • When cancelling a group drag&drop operation, the group selection is now restored correctly.
  • Fixed background of CHM help pages.

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