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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file HFS - HTTP File Server 0.45.0
Informazioni e Release Notes del file HFS - HTTP File Server 0.45.0
Data di pubblicazione: 24 maggio 2023
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  • admin/home: update button
  • added "get list" in folder menu #231
  • folder menu clicking on last breadcrumb
  • new languages: French, Portuguese
  • admin/fs: "propagate" option when "see" permission is set on a folder
  • netmask with CIDR now supports operators
  • several fixes and minor improvements
  • upload: "Skip existing files" option
  • zip now includes empty folders
  • session duration is now available in Admin/options page (env var method is now deprecated and will be removed in the future)
  • plugins: many new capabilities
  • several bugs fixed

 TAG: condivisione  |  drag  |  file sharing  |  http  |  open source  |  portable  |  serverIndice Tag  
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