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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Wipe 2016.11
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Wipe 2016.11
Data di pubblicazione: 6 settembre 2016
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  • Added support for browser Chrome 54 (future version).
  • Added support for browser Torch 51 (current version).
  • In this release we made very big step ahead for quality. Our program will now track any possible error which may appear in our product and report it to us. Just think: you saw some error message, and usually you can do nothing about this, but... in the background... in a few seconds our engineers will receive alert about this error. And we will start working to find a reason of the error, and find a solution. We hope this new functionality will reduce number of problems with our products, and minimize error messages, make our software high-quality not just in words. This function does not require any additional actions on your side, and there is no settings at all.

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