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 SFFT Software Suite 1.0 - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows XP/Vista/7
SFFT Software Suite is an all-in-one solution for the installation, the configuration, and the tweaking of 3dfx Voodoo cards. SFFT Software Suite includes the latest SFFT Driver release (v. 1.9 at this moment) as well as the latest SFFT Voodoo Tools and it's available in two packages for 32-bit and 64-bit editions of Microsoft Windows XP, Windows...

 SFFT 1.1 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows x86/x64
After 1.0 release, it's time of new SFFT 1.1 driver. This software is based on Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary...

 SFFT 1.0 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Windows x86/x64
After 59 pre-releases it's time of new SFFT 1.0 driver. This software is based on Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a...

 SFFT Alpha 59 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - MS x86/x64
This is 23th SFFT driver release, based on new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary display adapter or as a secondary...

 SFFT Alpha 58 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Win2000/XP/XP64
This is 22th SFFT driver release, based on new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary display adapter or as a secondary...

 SFFT Alpha 57 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Win2000/XP/XP64
This is 21th SFFT driver release, based on new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary display adapter or as a secondary...

 SFFT Alpha 56 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Win2000/XP/XP64
This is 20th SFFT driver release, based on new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary display adapter or as a secondary...

 SFFT Alpha 54 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Win2000/XP/XP64
This is 18th SFFT driver release, based on new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary display adapter or as a secondary...

 SFFT Alpha 53 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Win2000/XP/XP64
This is 17th SFFT driver release, based on new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary display adapter or as a secondary...

 SFFT Alpha 52 Driver - 3dfx Voodoo3/4/5 - Win2000/XP/XP64
This is 16th SFFT driver release, based on new Unified Architecture supporting by one package all Voodoo3 family, including Voodoo3 2000, Voodoo3 3000 and Voodoo3 3500 cards, as well as all 3dfx VSA-100 products and so Voodoo4 4500, Voodoo5 5500 and Voodoo5 6000 cards, is on line. It's requires a 3dfx card as a primary display adapter or as a secondary...

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