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Sei in: Home  News  Epic Games rilascia il March 2012 Unreal Development Kit Beta
Epic Games rilascia il March 2012 Unreal Development Kit Beta
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 28 marzo 2012
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Epic Games ha rilasciato il suo Unreal Development Kit Beta per il mese di marzo 2012. Come tipicamente accade, il nuovo UDK è gratuito, per cui rende disponibile a costo zero agli sviluppatori e ai semplici appassionati la free edition del motore grafico Unreal Engine 3 e un completo set di strumenti utilizzabili per lo sviluppo incentrato su tale software.

Epic Games ha inoltre presentato, mediante il seguente screenshot, una demo dell'One-Texture Environment, una tecnologia inclusa nell'UDK, che permette il rendering di una scena completa con l'ausilio di una sola texture.

Unreal Engine Showcase: Amazing One-Texture Environment

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

March 2012 Unreal Development Kit Beta è scaricabile a questo indirizzo. Segue l'elenco con le novità, in lingua originale, introdotte dall'aggiornamento.

New Features And Functionality:

Unreal Editor

  • Actors will show regardless of layer visibility when in G mode
  • Before using ‘autoexpandcategories,’ the property window will first check to see if layout info has been saved
  • New ‘Create Sub-Archetype’ feature added to Unreal Content Browser. Right-click on Archetype assets to create sub-archetypes
  • Sound Actors can now be found inside Content Browser
Material Editor
  • Added a ‘WorldPosOffset’ category to the Material Editor's context menu
  • Changed the material editor to only update the previews when the viewport’s real-time flag is toggled, or mouse over while the expression’s preview real-time radio box is toggled
  • Converting a Constant 1 Vector into a Parameter now behaves correctly
  • Added functionality for updating a physical material when assigning a new material interface
  • Material instance parameter groups no longer show up when none of the nodes in the group are connected
Post-process editor improvements
  • Node color now represents the linked status (green = linked, red = unlinked)
  • Ignores node connections of different types (has to be 1 Input and 1 Output), and reorders them accordingly
  • Only marks the package as dirty when the effects order has been modified
  • Mesh Paint: marking an actor's ‘bHidden’ flag will no longer prevent it from being painted on
  • Texture paint workflow automation will now allow you to duplicate textures and hook them up to a new material instance with a single button click
  • Refreshing the list in Unreal Frontend so it no longer looks just for additional devices, but all devices attached. This prevents devices used previously showing, even though they may no longer be connected
  • You can now use the ‘Screen Capture’ option in Unreal Console to take a screenshot

[Risorse correlate]
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