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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file VirtualBox 2.2.2
Informazioni e Release Notes del file VirtualBox 2.2.2
Data di pubblicazione: 28 aprile 2009
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This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

•Host and guest clipboard: fixed a number of issues affecting hosts and guests running the X window system.
•Guest Additions: make sure the virtual mouse autodetection works on ?rst reboot after installing the Additions on X.Org server 1.5 and later.
•Guest Additions: properly report process identity number of running services
•Guest Additions: clean up properly if the X Window server terminates
•Linux Additions: fixed installation path for OpenGL libraries in some 64-bit guests (bug #3693)
•Solaris Additions: fixed installation to work when X.Org is not installed on the guest
•Solaris Additions: fixed a bug that could panic the guest when unmounting a busy shared folder
•Windows Additions: fixed mouse pointer integration of some Windows guests (2.2.0 regression, bug #3734)
•Windows Additions: fixed installation on Windows Server 2008 Core (bug #2628)
•Main: do not try to use older versions of D-Bus (Linux hosts only, bug #3732)
•VMM: fixed out-of-memory conditions on Windows hosts (bug #3657)
•VMM: fixed occasional hangs when attaching USB devices during VM startup (2.2.0 regression; bugs #3787)
•VMM: fixed guru meditation related to memory management (software virtualization only)
•Virtual disks: fix possible data corruption when writing to diff images, incorrect detection of redundant writes
•GUI: reworked network settings dialog
•GUI: properly show the detailed settings dialog of NAT networks (bug #3702)
•GUI: HostKey could not be changed (2.2.0 regression, bug #3689)
•GUI: fixed memory text?eld size (Windows hosts only; bug #3679)
•GUI: fixed crash when selecting a shared folder path (Windows hosts only; bugs #3694, #3751, #3756)
•VBoxManage modifyhd –compact: implemented again for VDI ?les, and now supports relative paths (bug #2180, #2833)
•VBoxManage snapshot discard: made it work again (2.1.0 regression; bug #3714)
•NAT: on some Windows host, the guest didn't receive a DHCP lease (bug #3655)
•NAT: fixed release assertion during poll() (bug #3667)
•Clipboard: fixed random crahes (X11 hosts only, bug #3723)
•Shared Folders: fixed incorrect permissions for Solaris guests
•Shared Folders: fixed wrong ?le sizes with Solaris guests
•CBindings: fixed possible memory leak while releasing the IVirtualBox and ISession Objects
•Solaris hosts: fixed host-only network interface incompatibility with nwam/dhcpagent (bug #3754)

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