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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file Getright 5.2a
Informazioni e Release Notes del file Getright 5.2a
Data di pubblicazione: 4 novembre 2008
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  • Fixed elapsed time tooltip and added as regular text if window is wide enough and added so when paused, it shows the Elapsed time too
  • Fixed tooltips on GetRight Browser
  • Fixed Opera click monitoring (sometimes the info could be in a different folder than GetRight used.)
  • Improved Firefox/Mozilla click monitoring--shouldn't have to click Back if javascript is on. (For both Opera and Firefox/Mozilla, it's best to go to the GetRight config, Monitor--More Browsers page, and uncheck them, click the Apply button, then recheck the ones you want.)
  • Fixed a bug that caused a few files to not work right

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