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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file UltraDefrag 1.2.0
Informazioni e Release Notes del file UltraDefrag 1.2.0
Data di pubblicazione: 5 ottobre 2007
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HISTORY [version number (x86 driver size in Kbytes) - changes description] 1.2.0 (22.5) - full NT 4.0 support; boot time defragmentation for 64-bit systems; Scheduler.NET; bug #1771887 (I/O error!) fixed; native application optimized; offline manual; system preset improved; portable application option added; small gui bugs fixed 1.1.0 (22.5) - BOOT TIME DEFRAG ADDED; filter presets added; 'progress bar disappears' bug fixed; installer improved; 'paranoid debug print' option added; DOCUMENTATION AND WEB SITE IMPROVED 1.0.5 (21.0) - 120 DPI bug fixed; small console bug fixed; drive letters assigned by subst command excluded; this is most stable 1.0.x release 1.0.4 (21.0) - fatal buffer overflow bug fixed; small gui bug fixed 1.0.3 (21.5) - progress bar in gui; more settings; small bug fixes 1.0.2 (20.5) - FULL x64 SUPPORT; significant bug fixes; Windows DDK support 1.0.1 (22.8) - fix 'stop' function and some other significant bugs 1.0.0 (22.7) - initial public release; add full docs; clear source code; create build.cmd tool and makefiles 0.6.0 (21.1) - add include & exclude filters; UTF-16/ASCII report format option 0.5.0 (19.0) - add fragmented files list generation (HTML); display cluster map in progress; significant bug fixes 0.4.3 (16.3) - optimization and bug fixes 0.4.2 (16.5) - very significant optimization; clear source code 0.4.1 (17.9) - some optimization and small bug fixes 0.4.0 (17.9) - add free space optimization command for NTFS-volumes; some fatal bug fixes 0.3.0 (17.0) - add NT 4.x [in theory] & 5.0 [practically] support; processing for compressed files; new gui design - better results display; add accelerators; some bug fixes 0.2.0 (12.6) - exclude defragmentation of fat directories (because not possible); new design of gui interface - better cluster map visualization 0.1.0 (12.6) - add defragmentation of ntfs directories; some bug fixes; add displaying of mft and directories in cluster map 0.0.1 (11.3) - first stable release for NT 5.1 & 5.2

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