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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file HyperSnap-DX 6.10.02
Informazioni e Release Notes del file HyperSnap-DX 6.10.02
Data di pubblicazione: 17 agosto 2006
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* Added ability to change which keys should be pressed for an automatic paste of captured images into other applications. Currently there is no user interface for editing these keys, they may be only modified by a registry entry. Contact Hyperionics support if you need this feature.
* Corrected opening PNG files with 2 bits per pixel color format.
* Corrected command line processing for -snap:window option - if cancelled, used to display error message instead of quitting silently.
* Corrected unnecessary text object or stamp duplication after double-click - Cancel of text or stamp edit and trying to move the object.

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