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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file SciTE (SCIntilla) 5.4.1
Informazioni e Release Notes del file SciTE (SCIntilla) 5.4.1
Data di pubblicazione: 26 dicembre 2023
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  • Released 27 December 2023.
  • Add IDocumentEditable interface to allow efficient interaction with document objects which may not be visible in a Scintilla instance. This feature is provisonal and may change before being declared stable. For better type-safety, the ScintillaCall C++ API uses IDocumentEditable* where void* was used before which may require changes to client code that uses document pointer APIs DocPointer, SetDocPointer, CreateDocument, AddRefDocument, and ReleaseDocument.
  • Ctrl-click on a selection deselects it in multiple selection mode.
  • Add SCI_SELECTIONFROMPOINT for modifying multiple selections.
  • Add SCI_SETMOVEEXTENDSSELECTION and SCI_CHANGESELECTIONMODE to simplify selection mode manipulation.
  • Improve performance of global replace by reducing cache invalidation overhead. Feature #1502.
  • Fix regular expression search for "\<" matching beginning of search when not beginning of word and for "\>" not matching line end. Bug #2157.
  • Fix regular expression search failure when search for "\<" followed by search for "\>". Bug #2413.
  • Fix regular expression assertion (^, $, \b. \B) failures when using SCFIND_CXX11REGEX. Bug #2405.
  • Fix regular expression bug in reverse direction where shortened match returned. Bug #2405.
  • Avoid character fragments in regular expression search results. Bug #2405.
  • With a document that does not have the SC_DOCUMENTOPTION_TEXT_LARGE option set, allocating more than 2G (calling SCI_ALLOCATE or similar) will now fail with SC_STATUS_FAILURE.
  • Protect SCI_REPLACETARGET, SCI_REPLACETARGETMINIMAL, and SCI_REPLACETARGETRE from application changing target in notification handlers. Bug #2289.

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