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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file PDF24 Creator 11.13.2
Informazioni e Release Notes del file PDF24 Creator 11.13.2
Data di pubblicazione: 17 luglio 2023
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  • Reader: Problem with the PrintTo command fixed:
  • Added a fix to the PrintTo command. There was a case where printing to a printer could cause the Reader to crash. This problem has been investigated and fixed.
  • Reader: Problem regarding OneNote fixed:
  • Dropping a PDF into OneNote could cause the PDF24 Reader to crash. The PDF was therefore not imported into OneNote.
  • Toolbox: Changed too light background color in dark theme:
  • In the dark theme, a background color that was too light in one area of the UI was replaced with a darker one. This was not done before, so the dark theme was not as nice anymore.
  • Toolbox: Display of result files improved:
  • The display of the result files was improved. Especially with longer file names, they overlapped with other parts of the GUI, which was a bit awkward. We have optimized these parts so that the names are now truncated to fit the fields, and we have also optimized the file name change feature based on the changes in this release. The fields are also responsive now, so the size adjusts to the size of the screen.
  • Common: Ghostscript updated to version 10.01.2:
  • This version of Ghostscript fixes the security issue CVE-2023-36664. This vulnerability has been rated as critical. Therefore, it is recommended to update the software. PDF24 Creator 11.13.2 therefore ships the latest Ghostscript version 10.01.2, in which the issue has been fixed. Accordingly, we recommend updating PDF24 Creator.

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