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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file PDF24 Creator 11.12.1
Informazioni e Release Notes del file PDF24 Creator 11.12.1
Data di pubblicazione: 25 maggio 2023
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Common: Updated some language files

Toolbox: Sorting files improved
  • With some tools (e.g. PDF Merge) you can sort file elements. We have updated this function so that it now works the same way as with PDF24 Online Tools. So this is now consistent again.
Toolbox: Styling for the file boxes improved
  • We have also aligned the styling for the file boxes with the styling of the online tools, as this has been further improved there. This means that this is also consistent again.
Toolbox: Fixed problem with detecting installed fonts
  • Fixed a font sorting issue related to an empty font family name. If the name of a font family is not available, the sorting fails and the list of font families cannot be created. This affects e.g. tool "edit pdf" in the toolbox.
Reader: Open PDF files with other file extension
  • PDF24 Reader can now open PDF files that do not have the .pdf file extension. For some users this function is relevant.

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