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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file FreePOPs
Informazioni e Release Notes del file FreePOPs
Data di pubblicazione: Non disponibile
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  • Added support for the new Yahoo interface to yahoo.lua
  • Updated the supereva.lua plugin (thanks Visioning)
  • Moved all lua modules and plugins to the lua5.1 module system with compat-5.1. This will help in having a smooth transition to lua5.1 and integrating new lua libraries like the ones from keplerproject
  • Integrated luasoap and a new version of luaexpat
  • Some cleanup in log.c to produce a prettier output
  • Some improvements to the build and packaging system to allow a non-flat lua directory
  • Added a link to Frappr! in the homepage. If you like the idea you can add your location.
  • Updated manual according to the new module system (require instead of dofile, module to declare a module)

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