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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file LibreOffice Productivity Suite 5.3.3
Informazioni e Release Notes del file LibreOffice Productivity Suite 5.3.3
Data di pubblicazione: 12 maggio 2017
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The Document Foundation (TDF) announces LibreOffice 5.3.3, focused on bleeding edge features, and as such targeted at technology enthusiasts, early adopters, and power users. LibreOffice 5.3.3 integrates over 70 patches, with an update of the Sifr monochrome icon set and several fixes for interoperability with Microsoft Office documents.

For all other users and enterprise deployments, TDF suggests LibreOffice 5.2.7, with the backing of professional support by certified professionals (updated list available at:

People interested in technical details about the release can access the change log with a detailed list of all patches here: (fixed in RC1) and here: (fixed in RC2).

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