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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file CCleaner 1.21.130
Informazioni e Release Notes del file CCleaner 1.21.130
Data di pubblicazione: Non disponibile
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- Moved Tools and Options into the listbar and they now load
into the main window rather than a new window.
- Fixed listbar display issue with Japanese characters.
- Added REMOVESELF cleaning parameter to delete folders and
not just empty them.
- Added cleaning for: Google Earth, Ad-Aware SE Plus,
Photoshop CS and CS2, Microsoft AntiSpyware,
PerfectDisk 7.0, Azureus.
- Updated cleaning for: Windows log files,
Real Player, Adobe Reader 7.0,
SpyBot Search and Destroy.
- Updated Swedish, Spanish and French translations.
- Minor display fix to the Applications tree.
- Minor interface tweaks.

Warning: Undefined variable $tag_list in D:\inetpub\webs\hwsetupit\includes\page_tags_box.php on line 1
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 HDCleaner 2.043 


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