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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file System Explorer 4.0.0
Informazioni e Release Notes del file System Explorer 4.0.0
Data di pubblicazione: 3 dicembre 2012
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Version 4.0.0 has been released in Installer and Portable version! New release with a new main version is on and we would like to apprise You with the main changes and new features.

New color theme – new cloak for the application
Maybe You are already familiar with the color themes provided in older versions. In the actual version the color themes were re-worked in a way which should help in a more readable displaying of information - user will mainly find the changes in graphical modules like Performance, Networking and also in the CPU Usage tab of the Process detail. The change of the color theme can be done in Main menu->Options and on the first tab "General".

Updated Performance section
Performance module for previous versions displayed basic information about CPU, RAM and hard disc load. With a new rebuild module user will find the information in a new graphical arrange - all main information are displayed horizontally, supplemented with many additional information in the bottom of the module screen.

Improved Networking section
As a reflection to user needs, we have added new statistics in the Networking module. In the new design, more information is tracked for the global net traffic for user's computer. In the left part of the module's screen user can find statistics for data sent and received, related to a specific start point - with a new functionality user can reset the start point of the traffic tracking. Also there is a possibility to switch on or off the individual charts of traffic sources on a right mouse button. Information are displayed for active networks => networks without traffic are not displayed in the list.

Disk & Network Usage statistics
This statistics are displayed in Tasks and Processes sections and also in separate Disk Usage Statistics tray icon. Version 4.0 has this information hidden by default. If you want to enable it, you must check "Use Event Tracking for Windows" in Advanced section of System Explorer's Options.

Our team is constantly making changes in the application to provide more stabile and secure application. Also minor changes are incorporated with every new release - they reflect the user's wishes stated in the Support pages of System Explorer - watch the Community pages of System explorer application on Also please use this link constantly in case of any wish, idea or bug found in the application.

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