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Microsoft ActiveSync 3.8
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 Microsoft ActiveSync 3.8 Informazioni Download
ActiveSync 3.8 è il software di sincronizzazione Microsoft per i Pocket PC basati su Windows Mobile: questa release include delle fix che stabilizzano la fase di sincronizzazione. Seguono i requisiti software e hardware pubblicati ufficialmente da Microsoft:

  • Microsoft Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT Workstation 4.0 with SP6 or later, or Windows 98
  • Microsoft Outlook 98 or later required for synchronization to the desktop or portable computer of e-mail, calendar, contacts, tasks, and notes. (Outlook 2003 is recommended)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 SP1 or later
  • Hard-disk drive with 12 to 65 MB of available hard-disk space (actual requirements will vary based on selection of features and user's current system configuration)
  • Available 9- or 25-pin communications port (adaptor required for 25-pin communications port), infrared port, or USB port (available for Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows 2000, and Windows XP only)
CategoriaMiscellanea Dimensione3.73MB Stato: Non archiviato Archivio Annuncio non disponibile

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