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 Koolsmoky Voodoo2 Driver Test Kit - Windows 9x/ME/2000/XP
Koolsmoky Voodoo2 Driver Test Kit is a test release that was published by Koolsmoky at our english forums: now we give it more visibility so more people can download and test it. This is basically a driver for 3dfx Voodoo2 classic 3D accelerators and for Quantum3D Obsidian2 cards....

 Unreal 2 - Voodoo2 - WinXP - LegendgrafiX VoodooMage Driver
The forums member Boss posted some screenshots of Unreal 2 game: he got these using 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI cards on Microsoft Windows XP OS.The video driver for Voodoos configuration was the LegendgrafiX VoodooMage 2.2.0: it' s the first driver kit for Voodoo2 cards that enables an experimental Direct 3D support for Windows XP allowing to...

 Screenshots: Soldier of Fortune II - 3dfx Voodoo2 SLI - Pentium 4 Prescott
Skinnie and benna, two our forum members, posted some screenshots of the Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix game, catched by two Voodoo2 SLI based systems, at 1024x768 video resolution: SoF II was fully playable in both cases. They chose to run SoF II using a high speed processor (skinnie pc configuration includes a Intel Pentium 4...

 How get one 3dfx Voodoo2 working at 1024x672 with Windows 9x/ME
A time, at 1998, a lot of videocard manufacturers introduced on the market graphics accelerators based on the Voodoo2 chip-set from 3dfx. Among those, there was Metabyte. It was very near to 3dfx and drawed attention to oneself by its Voodoo2...

 NSF4 High States screenshots - Voodoo2 SLI - WinXP
Chips, our member at english board, posted some screenshots of NSF4 High States game that he got by two 3dfx Voodoo2 cards in SLI mode using Microsoft Windows XP environment.The system, based on AMD K6-2 500Mhz, was configured by the latest FastVoodoo2 driver for Windows 2000/XP, v. 4.0 XP Gold Edition, and showed a "very nice" frames rate at 1024x768...

 New Voodoo2 driver that overcome Memmap issue under Win2K-XP
Da Koolsmoky un nuovo set di driver per Voodoo2 che permette di risolvere il noto problema del "memmap error" con chipset Nforce2 e svariate schede video. Questo driver deve essere installato da pannello di controllo. From Koolsmoky a new driver in beta for Voodoo2 cards that overcome the memmap issue under winxp with Nforce2 chipset. This driver...

 Doom 3 Patch for 3dfx Voodoo2 cards is mirroring Doom 3 patch v. 1.0 for Voodoo2 cards: it updates some game components and makes possible Doom 3 playing with hardware systems using 3dfx Voodoo2 cards (single and SLI setup) as secondary display device. It requires WickedGL and a speed cpu to get a high frame rate. Su è on line la patch v. 1.0 per...

 FastVoodoo2 4.6: Voodoo2 driver for Microsoft Windows 9x/ME
Newer driver for 3dfx Voodoo2 cards is now available. This includes improvements for some games and allows SLI setup with mismatched boards. For more info and package download go to this page. ...

 FastVoodoo2 v. 4.6, Windows 9x ed SLI MM support
A new Voodoo2 driver kit will be on line asap: this adds mismatched Voodoo2 SLI support and some minor improvements. Driver availability will be announced at 3dfxzone home page. Links Full announcement with system requirements ...

 FastVoodoo2 4.0 XP Gold Edition - 3dfx Voodoo2 - Windows 2000/XP
Tutti coloro che hanno scaricato il driver FastVoodoo2 4.0 XP Gold Edition ed hanno rilevato il mancato avvio di alcuni applicativi a causa dell'errore Mapmem returned an error trying to map memory devono ripetere il download del kit, effettuandolo esclusivamente dai nostri server piuttosto che dai mirror sparsi per la rete.Voodoo2 users that have downloaded...

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