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 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Unreal Tournament 2004
Unreal Tournament 2004 is the third chapter of the Unreal Tournament videogame series, launched in 1999 by Epic Games and Digital Extreme. Unreal Tournament 2004 Setup Logo More in detail, Unreal Tournament 2004, also known as UT 2004, follows Unreal Tournament and Unreal Tournament 2003. Unreal Tournament 2004 on 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 UT...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Wipeout XL (2097) Demo
Wipeout XL (2097) is a fast futuristic racing game where twelve of the world's best anti-gravity pilots come together on a series of devilishly designed circuits in a bid for the coveted F5000 anti-gravity racing championship. Wipeout XL PC Edition cover You can win the race by smoking the competition with your driving skills or by eliminating...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Rollcage Stage II Demo
Rollcage Stage II is an arcade racing videogame developed by Attention to Detail and published by Psygnosis (EU), Midway Games (NA), and Take-Two Interactive (WW). Rollcage Stage II screenshot [1/2] Rollcage Stage II is the sequel to Rollcage and its gameplay allows players to race driving small and pretty cars equipped with weapons. Rollcage...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Diablo II Demo
Demo version of Diablo II, an action role-playing (RPG) and hack-and-slash videogame developed by Blizzard North and published by Blizzard Entertainment in 2000 for Windows PCs and Macs. This demo includes one of the five characters available in full version of Diablo II (the barbarian) and shows off the videogame single-player mode as well...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Max Payne Demo
Max Payne is a third-person shooter (TPS) videogame developed by Remedy Entertainment and published by Gathering of Developers in July 2001 for Microsoft Windows, and by MacSoft and Feral Interactive in July 2002 for Mac OS. Due to its success, this title has been then ported to a wider range of gaming systems including PlayStation and Xbox...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Turok: Dinosaur Hunter is a first-person shooter videogame developed by Iguana Entertainment and published by Acclaim in 1997 for Nintendo 64 console first and for Microsoft Windows 95 PCs then. Turok: Dinosaur Hunter allows gamer to play role of Turok, a Native American warrior, who must fight against a evil Campaigner and to protect humanity...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Kingpin: Life of Crime
Kingpin: Life of Crime is a first-person shooter based on well-known Quake II graphics engine. Kingpin - Front CD Cover This videogame has been developed by Xatrix Entertainment as well as published by Interplay Entertainment in June 1999. If you want to survive for more than a few minutes in the world of Kingpin, you'll need to know a few...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Shogo: Mobile Armor Division
Shogo: Mobile Armor Division is a first-person shooter videogame developed and published by Monolith Productions in 1998. Shogo: Mobile Armor Division - Game Intro Based on proprietary graphics engine Lithtech, this title uses Microsoft DirectX 6 APIs and supports a wide range of video cards, including the 3dfx cards. Shogo: Mobile...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II is a first-person shooter videogame developed and published by LucasArts for Microsoft Windows on October 10th, 1997. Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II - official screenshot [1/2] It's second entry of Star Wars: Jedi Knight videogame series as well as the sequel of Star Wars: Dark Force, released by same...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Shadows of the Empire
Shadows of the Empire is a third-person shooter enriched with a lot of vehicular combat actions. Shadows of the Empire screenshot by [1/2] It has been developed and released by LucasArts first for Nintendo 64 and than for Microsoft Windows 95 PCs in 1997. Shadows of the Empire screenshot by [2/2] This demo...

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