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Sei in: Home  News  Amigamerlin 3.1 R2 for 3dfx Voodoo5 cards: testing in progress
Amigamerlin 3.1 R2 for 3dfx Voodoo5 cards: testing in progress
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 12 dicembre 2004
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A new Amigamerlin driver release, v. 3.1 R2, is now under beta testing. This kit introduces some interesting new features against previous Amigamerlin and SFFT Windows 2000/XP solutions for 3dfx Voodoo5 5500 PCI/AGP and 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 AGP.

In fact it uses Mesa library as OpenGL ICD so making possibile to execute "on the fly" OpenGL games; besides it enbles scan line height on Voodoo5 6000 adapters.

Amigamerlin 3.1 R2 will be the first driver without 3dfx legacy libraries: all will be newer and coded by developers.


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