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Sei in: Home  News  ATI rilascia ed esalta il nuovo driver Catalyst per Vista
ATI rilascia ed esalta il nuovo driver Catalyst per Vista
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 7 settembre 2006
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ATI ha pubblicato una nuova release del suo driver sperimentale per Windows Vista: l'obiettivo che l'azienda canadese vuole conseguire con questa nuova beta è quello di ottimizzare le prestazioni e imporre il funzionamento stabile ai suoi prodotti hardware abbinati alla RC1 di Windows Vista, recentemente rilasciata da Microsoft per il testing pubblico.

Questo driver supporta i seguenti chip (gpu e chip-set per motherboard):

  • Radeon 9500, 9550, 9600, 9650, 9700, 9800, X300, X600, X700, X800, X850 series
  • Radeon X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900 series
  • Mobility Radeon 9550, 9600, 9700, 9800, X300, X600, X700, X800 series
  • Mobility Radeon X1300, X1400, X1600, X1800 series
  • CrossFire Xpress 3200 series
  • Radeon Xpress 200, 200M series

Nel comunicato stampa che è allegato di seguito ATI pone l'accento sulla feature proprietaria Powerplay, che ottimizza la gestione della potenza in ambito mobile rendendo possibile una maggiore durata della batteria, e sul pieno supporto che il driver offre alla funzionalità Windows Aero, che rende disponibile una interfaccia del desktop in 3D.

MARKHAM, ONTARIO, Sep 5, 2006 (CCNMatthews via COMTEX News Network) -- Coinciding with the release of Microsoft Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 (RC1), ATI (TSX:ATY)(NASDAQ:ATYT) announced that it is ready for the forthcoming public launch of Microsoft Corp.'s operating system, as demonstrated by new Catalyst drivers available now. ATI's latest drivers for Windows Vista improve on the leading stability and performance found in previous versions, and introduce new features such as ATI's Powerplay power management technology for improved battery life for mobile platforms. When combined with ATI's graphics processors, ATI's drivers enable the fullest possible experience today for Windows Vista(1).

"With today's release, ATI is demonstrating that its graphics hardware and software are ready to provide the best experience possible for users of Windows Vista," said Mike Sievert, corporate vice president for Windows Client Marketing at Microsoft. "ATI has played an important role to ensure the public can take advantage of extremely stable, feature-rich, high performance drivers that showcase the capabilities of Windows Vista."

"ATI continues to introduce shipping-caliber drivers for Windows Vista that improve on the stability, performance and feature set of versions past," said Ben Bar-Haim, vice president of Software Engineering, ATI Technologies. "The quality of ATI's drivers ensure that upon the release of Windows Vista, OEMs, system integrators, businesses and consumers can take advantage of the best experience Windows Vista has to offer."

ATI's Windows Display Driver Model (WDDM) drivers continue to deliver exceptional stability and performance in Windows Vista. Using ATI drivers, the full 3D functionality of the Windows Vista desktop user interface known as Windows Aero is unlocked(2). The new drivers also enable features such as ATI's Powerplay power management technology, designed to optimize battery life for mobile platforms by automatically adjusting the balance between performance and power consumption based on the workload at hand.

Source: ATI Press Release
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