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Sei in: Home  News  New package for both old and incoming 3dfx TnL patches
New package for both old and incoming 3dfx TnL patches
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 4 marzo 2010
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Matching requests from not skilled users we will give a new user interface to patches, and so a new and more user friendly template will be used for T&L patches.

Our patches enable 3dfx support for latest games requiring video cards with hardware TnL will be shipped with a new and more user friendly package: it will make possible a valid semplification in game updating. In fact, setup program will require in input title location only; then it will automatically put an icon on desktop. By a double click on this, game will run on Voodoo.

All incoming patches will have this design: at same way, these just published will be upgraded to new format and you will be adviced.

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