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Sei in: Home  News  Microsoft annuncia la disponibilità generale di Windows Server 2012
Microsoft annuncia la disponibilità generale di Windows Server 2012
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 5 settembre 2012
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Microsoft ha annunciato la disponibilità per tutti i clienti del nuovo Sistema Operativo di Windows 2012. Il nuovo Sistema Operativo, dedicato agli ambiti enterprise e business, viene commercializzato in due edizioni, denominate Datacentre e Standard.

La Datacentre Edition di Windows 2012 supporta la virtualizzazione ed ha un costo pari a $4809, mentre la Standard Edition non supporta la virtualizzazione e costa $882. Sono inoltre disponibili altre due edizioni "minori" del nuovo OS, la Server 2012 Foundation, che viene commercializzata soltanto come software pre-installato, e la Windows 2012 Essentials, che sostituisce Small Business Server e costa $501 per server.

Microsoft ha sottolineato la propensione di Windows Server 2012 per l'implementazione di piattaforme di cloud, anche in virtù del supporto della tecnologia Hyper-V di terza generazione.

Today in a global online launch event Satya Nadella, president of Microsoft Server and Tools Business, announced the general availability of Windows Server 2012. In his keynote speech, Nadella described how Windows Server 2012 is a cornerstone of the Cloud OS, which provides one consistent platform across private, hosted and public clouds.

"The operating system has always been the heartbeat of IT and is now undergoing a renaissance in the new world of continuous cloud services, connected devices and big data," Nadella said. "Microsoft's unique legacy in the most widely used operating systems, applications and cloud services positions us to deliver the Cloud OS, based on Windows Server and Windows Azure, helping customers achieve a datacenter without boundaries."

Enabling the Modern Datacenter
Microsoft built Windows Server 2012 from the cloud up, applying its experience operating global datacenters that rely on hundreds of thousands of servers to deliver more than 200 cloud services. Windows Server 2012 expands the definition of a server operating system, with significant new advancements in virtualization, storage, networking and automation. Hundreds of new features can help customers achieve a transformational leap in the speed, scale and power of their datacenters and applications. In combination with Windows Azure and System Center, Windows Server 2012 empowers customers to manage and deliver applications and services across private, hosted and public clouds.

Customers Find Success With Windows Server 2012
Customers can use their existing skills and investments in systems management, application development, database, identity and virtualization to take advantage of Windows Server 2012 and realize the promise of cloud computing. Many enterprise customers are already seeing tremendous value in early deployments. A survey of 70 early adopter customers from across the globe revealed that they expect, on average, 52 percent reduction in downtime, 41 percent reduction in workload deployment time, and 15 hours of productivity time saved per year, per employee. 91 percent of the companies surveyed expect a reduction in server administration labor, and 88 percent expect reduction in network administration labor.*

Menzies Aviation, an airline passenger and cargo handling company that employs more than 17,000 people, is using Windows Server 2012 to provide identity access management and information access policies to its employees as it rapidly incorporates newly acquired businesses.

"We are very impressed by Windows Server 2012 and Microsoft's overall solution to help us manage our systems and applications across our private cloud environments as they scale with our business," said Martin Gallington, senior vice president of IT at Menzies Aviation. "This is a dramatic leap forward, matched by a simple, cost-effective pricing model."

Equifax is a global information solutions provider that organizes and assimilates data on more than 500 million consumers and 81 million businesses worldwide. It now counts on Windows Server 2012 for improved reliability and uptime of its information services to clients.

"Windows Server 2012 revolutionizes how we can operate our datacenter, allowing us to better meet our commitments," said Bryan Garcia, chief technology officer at Equifax. "The new high availability technologies help us deliver 'always-on' applications, and we're betting on Hyper-V as a critical component of our private cloud strategy. We are gaining tremendous efficiencies, which translate into more time to innovate for company growth."

Source: Microsoft Press Release
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