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Nokia affida ad Accenture lo sviluppo dell'OS mobile Symbian

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23.06.2011 - Nokia affida ad Accenture lo sviluppo dell'OS mobile Symbian

Con il seguente comunicato congiunto, Nokia e Accenture hanno reso noto di aver finalizzato un accordo, già annunciato lo scorso 27 aprile, a seguito del quale lo sviluppo del Sistema Operativo Symbian, utilizzato per l'equipaggiamento degli smartphone di Nokia, e i relativi servizi di supporto saranno eseguiti in outsourcing da Accenture fino al 2016.

A rafforzare gli skill di Accenture in relazione al software mobile contribuiranno non poco i circa 2.800 dipendenti Nokia, attualmente collocati geograficamente in Cina, Finlandia, India, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti, che si trasferiranno in Accenture nella parte iniziale del prossimo mese ottobre.

In questo modo Nokia conta di gestire la fase di transizione che precede il già annunciato passaggio a Windows Phone; a tal proposito, l'accordo prevede inoltre lo sviluppo, da parte di Accenture, di software e servizi orientati proprio a Windows Phone. Infine Accenture fornirà ulteriori servizi a Nokia lavorando con Avanade, la joint venture formata con Microsoft nel 2000.

Espoo, Finland - Nokia (NYSE: NOK) and Accenture (NYSE: ACN) have finalized an agreement for Nokia to outsource Symbian software development and support activities to Accenture. Plans of the agreement were first announced on April 27, 2011.

Under the agreement, Accenture will provide Symbian based software development and support services to Nokia through 2016. Approximately 2,800 Nokia employees located in China, Finland, India, United Kingdom and the United States, are expected to transfer to Accenture at closing, which is expected to take place in the early part of October, 2011.

"We look forward to partnering with Nokia as they continue to support Symbian and transition to the Windows Phone ecosystem," said Marty Cole, chief executive, Accenture Communications and High Tech group. "The highly skilled group of technologists and engineers transferring to Accenture will complement our current mobility skills and enhance the breadth, depth and scale of our capabilities, allowing us to meet the growing global demand for mobility services across many industries."

The agreement calls for Accenture to support and further develop Nokia's Symbian platform and to become the preferred supplier to Nokia on their transition to Windows Phone. Accenture will seek opportunities to leverage transferring employee skills and capabilities to provide mobility software, business and operational services around the Windows Phone platform to Nokia and other ecosystem participants. Accenture will also seek to retrain and redeploy transferred employees.

"Our collaboration with Accenture allows us to meet our ongoing commitment to support our Symbian smartphone customers and continue to leverage the talent that has the deepest experience on the platform," said Jo Harlow, executive vice president for Smart Devices, Nokia. "As we move our primary smartphone platform to Windows Phone, we will look to explore potential opportunities to tap this talent pool as they develop and expand their knowledge and capabilities beyond Symbian."

Accenture will also work with Avanade, a technology service company that is majority-owned by Accenture and focuses on Microsoft technologies, to provide further services to Nokia.

The definitive agreement includes customary closing conditions.

News Source: Nokia & Accenture Press Release

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