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 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Download Heretic II Demo
Heretic II is a third-person action game developed by Raven Software and published by Activision in 1998. Heretic II official screenshot [1/2] Using the Quake II engine, Heretic II plunges you into a deep, compelling game combining brutal face-to-face combat and mystery-laden adventure in the most advanced graphics engine yet. Heretic...

 3dfx Historical Assets | Official Videogame Demos | Download Hexen II Demo
Hexen II is a dark fantasy first-person shooter with RPG and action elements. Both full videogame as well as this demo have been developed by Raven Software Corporation, published by id Software, and distributed by Activision in 1997. Hexen II is based on an enhanced version of the Quake graphics engine, and so it uses OpenGL graphics library...

 Raven pubblica su SourceForge i sorgenti di Jedi Academy e Outcast
Il codice sorgente degli shooter in prima e terza persona Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy e Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, anche noti più brevemente con le denominazioni di Jedi Academy e Jedi Outcast, è stato reso di dominio pubblico, con licenza GPL v2, da Raven Software, ovvero dalla organizzazione che ha sviluppato entrambi i titoli,...

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