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Sei in: Home  News  Formula 1 2008 & 3dfx Voodoo5 6000: Video + Screenshots
Formula 1 2008 & 3dfx Voodoo5 6000: Video + Screenshots
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 11 gennaio 2016
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There're a video and several screenshots showing the Formula 1 2008 game - a mod of the well-known F1 2002 title by EA Sport - while it rus over a 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 based system. Both video and images were posted at by Mikepedo, italian moderator of 3dfx Hardware e Software forums.

[High Resolution Image]

Mikepedo used a Windows XP SP3 machine including, like hardware components, an Epox 8K5A2+ motherboard, an AMD AthlonXP-M 2.5Ghz cpu, a 1GB OCZ RAM (2-2-2-5), besides 3dfx Voodoo5 6000 rev. 3700A video card.

[High Resolution Image]

The configuration of 3dfx hardware was executed by the latest SFFT driver, and so the SFFT 1.5 release at this moment. In those conditions followinf video shows a "nice gameplay and a good average frame rate with 2X FSAA @ 32-bit and 22 cars on track" according to our moderator.

[High Resolution Image]

Also the screenshots were captured with 2X FSAA: these are useful to get a idea of the 32-bit graphics rendering quality, also if the shadows - configured on low setting - aren't visible.

This video from YouTube shows off gameplay as well as game's speed and graphics.

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