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Computex 2008: NVIDIA annuncia le gpu mobile GeForce 9M
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 6 giugno 2008
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NVIDIA ha annunciato al Computex 2008 la gamma di gpu per sistemi mobile siglata GeForce 9M. In accordo al chip-maker statunitense si tratta di soluzioni capaci di innovare profondamente il settore dei notebook dal punto di vista grafico e ciò essenzialmente per due ragioni.

Da un lato, infatti, le gpu GeForce 9M sono in grado di offrire prestazioni "superiori del 40% a quelle tipiche dei processori grafici della precedente generazione e 10 volte maggiori di quelle ottenibili con gli IGP", che ricordiamo essere parte del chip-set della motherboard. Dall'altro, il supporto della tecnologia proprietaria NVIDIA Hybrid SLI consente sia di ridurre il consumo energetico - qualora sia attivo il solo IGP - che di utilizzare la potenza di calcolo più adeguata all'ambito applicativo in esecuzione.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

COMPUTEX 2008, TAIPEI—JUNE 3, 2008—As the global demand for better visual experiences makes its way into the notebook market, NVIDIA Corporation continues to address that demand with the introduction of a new line-up of notebook GPUs, the NVIDIA GeForce 9M Series of graphics processors, and a new graphics innovation, NVIDIA Hybrid SLI technology. These new technologies enable customers to optimize their notebooks to power today’s visual applications, such as: the latest operating systems, photo editing, mapping software, games, and HD movies. Considered one of the most important processors inside the notebook PC, and perhaps the most important, an NVIDIA GPU enables a completely flexible, scalable, and high-definition entertainment platform.

"Beginning this summer, GeForce 9M GPUs and Hybrid SLI, paired with AMD and Intel CPUs, will enable a new breed of notebooks," said Jeff Fisher, senior vice president of the GPU business at NVIDIA. "These new notebooks will be optimized to deliver a visual experience and raw computing performance that traditional cookie-cutter notebooks with integrated graphics simply can’t touch."

With the launch of the GeForce 9M Series of notebook GPUs, NVIDIA has once again engineered the world’s fastest notebook GPUs, designed for running today’s graphically intensive games, 3D applications and HD movies at extreme resolutions. In addition, this new GPU features a multi-core architecture which will not only speed up entertainment applications, but will also speed up today’s lifestyle applications, like video encoding from a PC to a small personal media device, where the speed up in the video conversion is up to 5x faster with the GeForce 9M family GPUs."

In addition, the new GeForce 9M notebook GPUs enable the world’s first notebooks with Hybrid SLI technology. The new technology enables two NVIDIA GPUs, one low-power and one high-performance, to work cooperatively in the same PC to deliver two features—GeForce Boost and HybridPower. These features deliver more performance from both GPUs for visual computing when needed, or save power by switching to the low-power GPU when not. Hybrid SLI gives users the quality and performance benefits of a high-performance GPU without sacrificing battery life.

The NVIDIA GeForce 9M family of GPUs also feature:

  • A new graphics engine that delivers up to 40% faster performance than the previous generation GeForce notebook GPUs and 10x the performance of integrated graphics solutions
  • New PureVideo HD video processing features for improved color and contrast
  • Full support for the latest Blu-ray advancements including BD-Live and dual-stream video playback
  • Extensive multi-display connectivity with support for all the latest display standards including DVI, HDMI 1.3, Display Port 1.1, and VGA
  • Support for the new MXM version 3.0 graphics module specification

"With the recent addition of advanced features to Blu-ray and the complexity of DirectX 10 games like Crysis, PC users need more graphics processing performance than today’s generic integrated graphics can deliver," said Rene Haas, general manager of the notebook business at NVIDIA. "The new GeForce 9M series meets this need while also delivering processing muscle for applications beyond gaming and graphics."

The new GeForce 9M GPUs will power the visual computing experience in over a hundred notebook models beginning this summer. For more information, please visit

Source: NVIDIA Press Release
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