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Sei in: Home  News  Chipset nForce per piattaforme Intel: accordo Intel - nVIDIA
Chipset nForce per piattaforme Intel: accordo Intel - nVIDIA
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 19 novembre 2004
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nVIDIA ha annunciato un accordo che la legherà ad Intel nei prossimi anni con l'obiettivo comune di realizzare personal computer sempre più potenti. Il primo passo del nuovo sodalizio è rappresentato dalla immissione sul mercato di motherboad per processori Intel basate su chip-set della famiglia nForce opportunamente ottimizzata per la nuova architettura.

Segue la Press Release ufficiale:

NVIDIA Corporation (Nasdaq: NVDA) and Intel Corporation today announced that the companies have signed a broad, multi-year patent cross-license agreement spanning multiple product lines and product generations. Additionally, the companies signed a multi-year chipset agreement for NVIDIA to license Intel’s front-side bus technology. This will enable NVIDIA to deliver the NVIDIA nForce™ platform technology on Intel-based systems.

"Today’s agreements are significant for both companies and, more importantly, represent a win for our mutual customers who now have more choices for enhancing the PC experience," said Louis Burns, Intel vice president and general manager, Desktop Products Group.

"NVIDA and Intel are working together to enhance the end-user computing experience," added Jen-Hsun Huang, president and chief executive officer of NVIDIA. "NVIDIA’s product portfolio offers exciting technology options to Intel customers, including the NVIDIA nForce platform and the PCI Express-based SLI graphics technology solution."

About Intel Intel, the world’s largest chip maker, is also a leading manufacturer of computer, networking, and communications products. Additional information about Intel is available at

About NVIDIA NVIDIA Corporation is a worldwide leader in graphics and digital media processors. The Company's products enhance the end-user experience on consumer and professional computing devices. NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs), media and communications processors (MCPs), and wireless media processors (WMPs) have broad market reach and are incorporated into a variety of platforms, including consumer and enterprise PCs, notebooks, workstations, PDAs, mobile phones, and video game consoles. NVIDIA is headquartered in Santa Clara, California and employs more than 2,000 people worldwide. For more information, visit the Company’s Web site at

Certain statements in this press release including, but not limited to, statements as to benefits to Intel customers as a result of the patent cross-license, enhancement of the computing experience and delivery of the NVIDIA nForce technology platform to Intel-based systems are forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause results to be materially different than expectations. Such risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the outcome of any disputes regarding intellectual property, our ability to safeguard our intellectual property, the impact of technological advances, compatibility of products, reliance on third-party manufacturers, manufacturing delays, general industry trends including cyclical trends in the PC and semiconductor industries, the impact of competitive products and pricing alternatives, changes in industry standards and interfaces, market acceptance of our products, our dependence on third-party developers and publishers and other risks detailed and from time to time in the NVIDIA reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission including its Form 10-Q for the quarter ended July 25, 2004 and other filings made from time to time with the SEC. These forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. NVIDIA disclaims any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

Source: NVIDIA Press Release

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