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Sei in: Home  News  AGEIA aderisce al 3DMark Benchmark Development Program
AGEIA aderisce al 3DMark Benchmark Development Program
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 30 settembre 2006
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Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, Futuremark Corporation, la software house americana che progetta e sviluppa diversi applicativi di testing tra cui quelli della linea 3DMark, ha reso noto che AGEIA Technologies ha aderito al 3DMark Benchmark Development Program (BDP). In accordo alle direttive del programma, AGEIA è entrata a far parte del già ampio insieme di partner di Futuremark, al fine di contribuire allo sviluppo del software di benchmark 3DMark. AGEIA, in qualità di membro del BDP, riceverà le specifiche e le release di pre-produzione degli applicativi di Futuremark e fornirà il proprio feedback derivato dal utilizzo di questi.

Ricordiamo che AGEIA è una realtà operante nel settore della grafica per personal computer: deve la sua notorietà al processore PhysX, il primo al mondo a fornire l'accelerazione hardware agli aspetti dei giochi connessi con la fisicità. Una card che integra un processore PhysX non sostituisce ma affianca la scheda video tradizionale: essa si prende carico dei calcoli relativi alla fisica, ai movimenti e agli effetti del gioco, liberando il sistema (in primis la cpu) da costose elaborazioni e permettendo così il gaming in real-time e con maggiore realismo.

Saratoga, California - September 27th, 2006 - Futuremark Corporation, the leading provider of system performance-analysis software and services for PCs and handheld devices, and AGEIA Technologies, Inc., pioneers of hardware-accelerated physics for games, announced today that Mountain View, California based AGEIA has joined the 3DMark Benchmark Development Program.

Futuremark has created the 3DMark Benchmark Development Program (BDP) to build partnerships with leading PC and gaming industry stakeholders that have an interest in the development unbiased benchmark software that accurately measures the performance of next generation technology and hardware. Futuremark provides all its BDP Members with specifications and pre-production versions of its benchmarks and, in turn, evaluates the feedback provided by those members.

"Futuremark is pleased to welcome AGEIA to the 3DMark BDP. AGEIA brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in hardware acceleration of real-time physics to the BDP, and their advances in the marketplace offer great promise to the PC gaming environment" said Oliver Baltuch, Futuremark's VP of Sales and Marketing, North America. "AGEIA is fully committed to the development of fair and objective benchmarks and understands that as a result; consumers will get better performing hardware and software, and a more exciting gaming experience."

AGEIA develops hardware solutions that accelerate processor intensive advanced physics, enabling dynamic interaction in extremely complex immersive 3D games. Their flagship processor, the AGEIA PhysX, is the world's first dedicated hardware accelerator for advanced physics. AGEIA currently lists over sixty content partners that plan to support physics hardware acceleration in the next generation gaming platforms.

"Using hardware to accelerate compute-intensive advanced physics is our core business. Increasing the performance of specialized physics algorithms, typically requiring tremendous amounts of mathematical and logical calculations with massive memory bandwidth is important to us and our partners," Manju Hegde, CEO of AGEIA. "AGEIA recognizes that our participation in the specification and development of Futuremark's 3DMark will help us deliver the best performing physics acceleration solutions in the PC industry."

Source: Futuremark Press Release
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