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Sei in: Home  News  Schede grafiche S3 Graphics Chrome S27 sul mercato
Schede grafiche S3 Graphics Chrome S27 sul mercato
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 8 febbraio 2006
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S3 Graphics ha annunciato la disponibilità sul mercato di una nuova linea di schede grafiche PCI-Express chiamata Chrome S27: al momento questa include due modelli. Il primo, commercializzato al prezzo di $98, è dotato di 128Mb di memoria DDR3; il secondo presenta un quantitativo di ram doppio e costa $128.

Entrambe le card sono basate su una gpu - con frequenza di clock pari a 700MHz - la cui architettura è concepita in accordo alle specifiche per il supporto di DirectX 9 e include 8 pixel pipe e 4 vertex pipe; sono inoltre dotate di due uscite verso i monitor (DVI e VGA) e una uscita verso il televisore con certificazione Macrovision per la piena compatibilità con High Definition.

Di buon livello la gestione del consumo di potenza essendo la gpu fabbricata con tecnologia Fujitsu a 90nm.

Fremont, CA, February 8 2006 – Building increased momentum in the North American market, S3 Graphics today announced its PCI Express Chrome S27 graphics cards are now available for immediate purchase through, the premier etailer of graphic cards in North America.

Featured on will be two models of Chrome S27 graphics cards; the first featuring 128MB DDR3 memory for US$98, and a second with 256MB DDR3 memory for US$128. With the highest core clock on the market at 702Mhz, a robust DirectX 9.0 implementation featuring 4 vertex and 8 pixel processors, its signature Hi-Def visual experience, and the best performance-per-watt operation in the industry, the S3 Graphics Chrome S27 line of graphics cards are ideal for users looking to enhance their 3D gaming experience.

"The addition of as a major channel partner is a significant step forward in the expansion of S3 Graphics product availability in the US market," said Dr. Ken Weng, General Manager of S3 Graphics. "At such aggressive price points, the 128MB and 256MB DDR3 Chrome S27 cards offer an astounding deal for consumers looking to upgrade their PC for popular games such as Quake 4 or build the perfect home theatre PC."

"The mainstream graphics add-in board (AIB) market represents one of the largest segments of graphics AIB sales, with a CAGR greater than the total market due to users looking for an easy upgrade to meet gaming and multimedia requirements," commented Dr. Jon Peddie of Jon Peddie Research, the market research firm in Tiburon, CA, that tracks the graphics industry. "The availability of Chrome S27 graphic boards in the US market enables S3 Graphics to address the requirements of a major group of user needs with a strong mixture of features at an attractive mid-stream price point."

On top of being ideal for 3D game play, the S3 Graphics Chrome S27 cards feature a wide range of connectivity options including support for DVI and VGA display interfaces along with Macrovision-certified TV-out. This connectivity is further enhanced through native 1080p HDTV support and widescreen display capability with Chromotion 3.0, the next generation programmable video engine boasting hardware accelerated motion compensation and WMV-HD support. To further enhance operation for home theatre applications that demand cool & quiet operation, the S3 Graphics Chrome S27 features an efficient and power smart design, coupled with Fujitsu's advanced 90nm process technology that sets a new standard for desktop power/performance without compromising on features.

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