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Sei in: Home  News  Futuremark Announces Patch for PCMark05
Futuremark Announces Patch for PCMark05
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 11 ottobre 2005
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Saratoga, California USA – October 11th, 2005 – Futuremark Corporation announced today the immediate availability of a software patch, build 1.1.0, to PCMark05, the latest version in the popular PCMark benchmark series. PCMark05 is a state-of-the-art benchmarking tool and has been widely adopted; over 1.5 million copies have been distributed since its launch in June 2005.

Available immediately, this free downloadable software patch updates features for Advanced and Professional version licensees and fixes reported and reproducible bugs while improving overall stability for all license versions - including the free evaluation package. Scores using the build 1.1.0 version of PCMark05 will not be comparable to previous version scores.

PCMark05 builds on Futuremark’s strong benchmark development experience and provides a sophisticated tool for measuring PC performance for home usage. PCMark05 supports the complete benchmark cycle – allowing you to benchmark your PC, view the resulting benchmark details, compare your results to those of others, and finally analyze how to improve your PC performance. It produces highly reliable and detailed benchmarking results with a simple, intuitive user interface. An integrated Online ResultBrowser allows instant results comparison against more than 12 million benchmark results in Futuremark’s ever increasing performance database.

Technical Details associated with the PCMark05 Patch (Build 1.1.0):
  • HDD Test problems when /usepmtimer switch not present in boot.ini is fixed;
  • Issues on Transparent Windows test when other programs are run with "always on top" option has been fixed;
  • Visual settings for Windows is forced to "Adjusted for best appearance" (or "Let Windows choose..." which is the default setting for Windows XP) for the Transparent Windows test;
  • A potential risk of distorting results with 3rd party overclocking software has been fixed;
  • Reproducibility related issues with memory tests on some platforms has been fixed;
  • Export to Excel component issues with large amounts of data fixed;
  • Performance issues on certain tests have been tweaked, results on some platforms may improve with this;
  • Problems with external USB/Firewire hard drives have been fixed;
  • Updated System Info component with support for the latest CPU and graphics hardware;
  • Fixed all reported & reproduced bugs;

Source: Futuremark Press Release
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