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Sei in: Home  News  Gaming Tools: Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) 0.143s
Gaming Tools: Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator (MAME) 0.143s
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 30 giugno 2011
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MAME - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator - è un applicativo freeware che consente l'esecuzione dei vecchi giochi arcade sugli odierni pc. E' attivabile in ambiente Windows dalla linea di comando: mediante l'interazione con i file ROM - ciascuno personalizzato per un certo videogame - rende possibile giocare con circa 5000 titoli, che altrimenti andrebbero persi. Supporta i Sistemi Operativi Microsoft Windows 98/ME/2000/XP e DOS.

MAME allows people to enjoy the long-lost arcade games and even some newer ones, the main purpose of the project is to document the hardware (and software) of the arcade games. There are already many dead arcade boards, whose function has been brought to life in MAME. Being able to play the games is just a nice side-effect. The huge success of MAME would not be possible without the talent of the programmers who joined to form the MAME team. At the moment, there are about 100 people on the team, but there is a large number of contributors outside the team too. Aaron Giles is the current coordinator of the project.

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