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Sei in: Home  News  NVIDIA annuncia: sarà Tegra il processore dello Zune HD di MS
NVIDIA annuncia: sarà Tegra il processore dello Zune HD di MS
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 19 agosto 2009
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Con il comunicato stampa di seguito allegato, NVIDIA ha ufficializzato una nuova partnership con Microsoft che la vedrà impegnata nel ruolo di fornitore del processore centrale del nuovo player portable di casa MS: il cuore del prossimo Zune HD sarà infatti firmato il chip Tegra.

NVIDIA ha quindi riepilogato le feature principali del player che Microsoft ha di recente reso disponibile per le prenotazioni: tra l'altro, Zune HD, grazie proprio alla tecnologia Tegra di NVIDIA, può riprodurre i video in High Definition minimizzando nel contempo il consumo di potenza e agire come un ricevitore radio HD.

Zune HD integra "naturalmente" un web browser e supporta la connettività Wi-Fi; il display è un touch-screen realizzato con l'ausilio della tecnologia LED.

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

SANTA CLARA, CA—AUG. 17, 2009—NVIDIA Corporation today announced that Microsoft’s new Zune HD portable media player is powered by the NVIDIA Tegra processor, which gives it exceptional multimedia capabilities.

The Zune HD player, which Microsoft recently announced is available for preorder, is the first portable media player to combine HD-compatible video, HD Radio receiver, full-screen Internet browsing, an organic light emitting diode touch screen, and Wi-Fi. These features will connect consumers to a whole new world of entertainment, while delivering excellent battery life. Working closely with Microsoft and optimizing the Tegra processor, NVIDIA has played an important role in helping to bring the next-generation Zune HD portable digital media player to market.

“Tegra provides the multimedia muscle in Zune HD,” said Michael Rayfield, general manager of NVIDIA’s mobile business. “Users will love the device’s new design, amazing multimedia features and HD video out capability. Zune HD is a must-have for anyone looking for the best portable digital media player on the market.”

Key to Tegra’s rich multimedia features are eight independent processors, each designed for a specific class of tasks - among them are an HD video processor, an audio processor, a graphics processor, and two ARM cores. The processors can work together or independently to minimize power consumption. The Microsoft Zune HD2 uses the following NVIDIA Tegra technology to deliver a unique visual experience:

  • an HD video processor dedicated to HD video, providing unprecedented picture quality and ultra-smooth, vivid movie playback with low power consumption
  • an ultra-low power graphics processor for a compelling and intuitive user interface
  • NVIDIA nPower technology, which optimizes system power use and enables extended HD video and MP3 playback time

Based on NVIDIA’s decade of graphics leadership, Tegra processor has been engineered over the past five years to bring high performance and low power capabilities to the next generation of mobile computing devices such as portable media players, smartphones, smartbooks, netbooks and tablets. Tegra processor-based devices are delivering the experiences that today’s mobile consumers demand, with HD video playback, always-on HD Internet, and intuitive 3D user interfaces. There are 50 active Tegra processor-based design projects currently in the works today.

Source: NVIDIA Press Release
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