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NVIDIA annuncia la piattaforma Quadro Digital Video Pipeline
a cura di Giacomo Usiello | pubblicato il 21 aprile 2009
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NVIDIA ha lanciato Quadro Digital Video Pipeline, una piattaforma basata su gpu Quadro FX che il produttore statunitense ha realizzato per permettere agli operatori nel campo della trasmissione televisiva di "acquisire, elaborare e realizzare effetti grafici" di alto impatto e notevole efficienza a partire da un computer di tipo desktop Windows based.

Quadro Digital Video Pipeline include la Quadro SDI Capture card, che acquisisce il segnale video (fino a 4 link HD-SDI, High Definition Serial Digital Interface) e lo trasmette alla gpu (Quadro FX 3800, Quadro FX 4800 o Quadro FX 5800) per le elaborazioni con il supporto di OpenGL e Microsoft DirectX 10. Il modulo Quadro SDI Output combina le uscite e gli effetti 2D e 3D in tempo reale. Quadro Digital Video Pipeline può essere controllato e gestito attraverso lo strato software Quadro Digital Video Pipeline SDK.

NVIDIA Quadro Digital Video Pipeline sarà sul mercato a partire dal prossimo mese di Agosto. Costerà da $5.000 a $8.000 in base alla configurazione scelta.

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[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

[Immagine ad alta risoluzione]

NAB 2009, LAS VEGAS—April 20, 2009—NVIDIA Corporation today introduced the NVIDIA Quadro Digital Video Pipeline, the industry’s first integrated GPU-based platform for broadcasters to acquire, process and deliver virtual effects to video.

The solution offers the fastest graphics computation engine for broadcast production, in a flexible, reliable and cost-effective PC-based platform. By providing a direct path for image processing into and out of the GPU, it allows professionals to incorporate higher quality, graphic-rich broadcasts in real time. It also offers the fastest path for capturing and transcoding HD broadcast-quality video for use in real-time Internet streaming services.

"Our customers rely on us to deliver high-quality broadcasts in real-time," says Paul Lacombe, president at Brainstorm America. "With the NVIDIA Quadro Digital Video Pipeline, we can now utilize the power of the GPU from acquisition to final delivery; allowing us to meet the direct needs of our customer’s and offer then higher quality, more graphic-rich broadcasts in real-time. This system is going to change the course of live broadcast."

The Quadro Digital Video Pipeline integrates the following:

  • Quadro SDI Capture card - enables uncompressed video to be streamed directly to Quadro SDI-enabled GPU memory, with the ability to capture up to four HD-SDI Single link sources simultaneously. Supports all SMPTE standard formats (3G, 2K, HD and SD) and includes a monitor out of the primary input.
  • Quadro SDI Output card - provides an integrated graphics-to-video solution, enabling 2D and 3D effects to be composited in real-time with 2K, HD and SD video. It can be genlocked to external house sync, or synced to the SDI Capture card.
  • Quadro FX professional GPU solutions – choose from the latest generation Quadro FX 3800, Quadro FX 4800 and Quadro FX 5800. Based on NVIDIA’s revolutionary CUDA parallel computing architecture, Quadro offers advanced features and capabilities, up to 240 parallel processing cores and support for next-generation OpenGL and Microsoft DirectX 10 applications.
  • Quadro Digital Video Pipeline SDK – includes an extensive software development kit containing samples, APIs and plug-ins that allow applications to easily optimize the graphics and data processing pipelines of the Quadro GPU. This ensures easy programmability and control through the entire Digital Video Pipeline -- from capture through final delivery.

"The Quadro Digital Video Pipeline lets us bypass the CPU and main memory, and take full advantage of the visual and computational power of the GPU," said Marv White, chief technology officer, Sportvision. "By continuing to work closely with NVIDIA, we’re ensuring our customers continue to get the most innovative technology in live broadcast today."

"Over the next two years, we’re going to see an even bigger surge in the adoption of on-air broadcast graphics and virtual sets," said Jeff Brown, general manager, professional solutions, NVIDIA. "We can hardly wait to see what the broadcast community will do with this with new technology."

NVIDIA is highlighting the new platform at the NVIDIA NAB 2009 booth: SL 7906, lower South Hall at the Las Vegas Convention Center, from April 20 to 23, 2009.

Pricing and Availability
NVIDIA Quadro Digital Video Pipeline will ship August 2009. The estimated street prices range from $5,000 to $8,000 USD, depending on configuration. Special partner discounts are available for those who qualify. For more information on NVIDIA Quadro Digital Video Pipeline, visit:

Source: NVIDIA Press Release
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