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Sei in: Home  Applicazioni  Informazioni e Release Notes del file foobar2000 2.1.5
Informazioni e Release Notes del file foobar2000 2.1.5
Data di pubblicazione: 3 maggio 2024
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  • Removed gnudb from default online tagger settings, as gnudb now demands users to input their actual email addresses.
  • If you wish to use gnudb, you can configure it manually, but we strongly recommend against it.
  • Online tagger now defaults to which works once again.
  • Changed storage of freedb-compatible server list settings, to a text file in profile folder.
  • Reverted compiler to Visual Studio 2019, as current version of Visual Studio 2022 outputs AVX opcodes when explicitly configured not to, making foobar2000 crash on old PCs.
  • ReFacets added "last modified" column, fixed playlist interaction bugs.
  • Converter: Fail harder if "don't reset DSP between tracks" is on and one of files can't be converted - output past the point of failure wasn't valid anymore anyway.
  • Fixed WASAPI Exclusive timing glitches with exotic settings.

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